Israel's religion? It may be know as a strange country Israel ...

Middle East Islamic world, the difference in the ad creative ants. ...

Israel's religion? It may be know as a strange country Israel ... I now, we have traveled in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Jordan and the Middle East Islamic world. Honestly, before the Islamic world is to visit anywhere in the countries is also not the severe a religious problem, I thought so. Turkey, but not have much in the central city Istanbul is people who have a scarf that covers the Muslims (Muslims) of the peculiar head, did not seem to care about the scarf as especially young people. Advertisement apparent in the street of Turkey, was the creative, such as no different from Japan, Europe and the United States. But, the following countries, Iran was different. Iran since the country itself is a Muslim and mother, is very stringent than Turkey and Jordan. In short, we exposed the woman's skin is not allowed. Of course, the advertising representation, everyone also women who walk the streets, covering the head with a scarf, it is required to wear long sleeve length pants. In addition, because it is also obliged to dress like do not know the body of the line, it is there are many people who are wearing something like a trench coat.

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