Israel's religion? It may be know as a strange country Israel ...

Israel's religion? It may be know as a strange country, Israel ...

Israel's religion? It may be know as a strange country Israel ... Israel In modern times there while raising awareness in various fields, such as start-up and high-tech field. But Speaking of Japanese who visit this place to a decade ago, the majority was a [religious parties]. It also a Christian parties. For the Japanese tell the self-proclaimed [No religion], people high variety of religions and religious heart of swirling in Israel, will not familiar. Introducing the religious circumstances of such Israel. Israel Judaism occupies a majority 0 years time, according to the CIA Factbook, occupy the Israeli population is Jewish. And then is Islam, but is a Christian. In terms of this flow, Israel's say a country where Jews account for the majority, but the right side of the people, including the Netanyafu prime minister of Israel, at all costs [Israel Ya Jewish country! ] And it is desperate to appeal. Too too desperate, [eh? No Bangs up there? ] That is showing a like a forced attitude, would be well known in the media and others. And also to say that Judaism, everyone does not mean people hot uniformly faith.

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